Save As Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to save a selected item as another type of file. Access this dialog box by selecting the Save file As option on the File menu, where file is the item selected.

Save in

Locate the existing project folder from this drop-down menu. Selecting a folder from this list displays the contents of the folder in the primary pane.


Displays the files most recently removed from projects.

My Projects

Displays files and folders at the default location.


Displays the files and folders located on the desktop


Displays the contents of your Internet Explorer Favorites folder.

Tip   To add a link to your Favorites folder from this dialog box, locate the folder you want to add from the Look in drop-down list box, then select Add to Favorites from the Tools drop-down menu.

File name

Use this option to filter the files and folders that are displayed. Enter a full or partial file name on which to filter. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard.

Tip   Navigate to Web and network locations by entering a URL or network path in the File name box. For example, "http://mywebsite" displays the files available at the "mywebsite" Web location and "\\myserver\myshare" displays the files available at the "myshare" location on "myserver". You can also open a project from a Web location by selecting Open from Web Server in the Tools menu of the Open dialog box.

Save as type

Use this option to select a new file type for the selected item. The file types displayed include all available file types to which the selected item can be converted.

Returns folder to the previous location.

Navigates the tree to the next higher folder in the explorer hierarchy.

Opens your browser to the search page set in your browser's options.

Deletes the selected file(s) or folder(s) from your disk.

Displays the New Folder dialog box. Use this option to create a new child folder under the folder selected in the Look in drop-down list.

Use to select one of the different ways in which to arrange and view the contents of the item selected in the Look in drop-down list.


Use to select a tool to apply to the item selected in the contents pane.